The Solution

  • The solution is to use a platform that enables you to build, evolve and measure your presence on Facebook. A solution that your team can be trained on quickly and easily and lean on to help them keep in control when people demand real-time action and reaction to the brand conversation.
  • If we’re getting business boring about it – we believe the return on investment from using the Buddy Media platform is huge. Not only will your engagement campaigns rock, but your team will thank you for making it easy for them to do a great job and your CEO will congratulate you on initiatives that can deliver real benefits to the bottom line.

“Social Media marketing may not cost in standard media terms, but it does require a commitment to infrastructure from the medium to longer term. This is a challenge for any business, but for those that commit to being directly involved with their customers (existing or potential), the outcomes will be positive.”   Source: ” The Rise and Rise of the Social Network” An Experian Hitwise Asia Pacific Report Nov 2009

Let us help you grow your fan base, increase conversations with your fans and capture the interest of people who want to spend money on your products and services… get in touch and we’ll show you how the platform works and how Loopster can help you.

Social Network connections